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Ten Resolutions for the Republican Party in 2022

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  • Ten Resolutions for the Republican Party in 2022

    The Republian Party enters the new year languishing in the cesspool of dirty politics, all the while smiling and screaming, “Come on in, the water’s fine!” at the top of their very angry lungs.

    Here’s the thing: Most of us have memories of the GOP of the past, when it still had some honor of which to speak. There was mutual respect, there was decorum, there was a sense of fair play...most of the time. There was statesmanship; there was a loyal opposition. Patriotism was the reason to come together with Americans who might differ in their opinions of government, not a club with which you attack a Capitol policeman defending the physical institutions of our Democracy. The Republican Party of the past is no more; its members sold out to a con man, choosing to accept propaganda as truth and truth as blasphemy.